


John Mulinde's Testimony

As a ministry, WTM has grown very fast from a small rural ministry hidden away in the depth of Uganda, to an international ministry with outreaches all over the world, and great responsibility in the nations.
The formation of World Trumpet Mission began with a special encounter that I personally had with God. In this experience I received God’s calling to blow the trumpet to His people, in preparation for His return. This calling was no doubt, much bigger than my own life could handle alone, and this led me to the realisation that I needed to create a “ministry-vessel” where people who are similarly called to the same cause, but having various gifts and abilities could come together in pursuit of this noble task. What I put together and founded by His grace, is the ministry organisation that we came to call “World Trumpet Mission”.
In 1988, in a small village in Uganda called Nakaseke, I had a supernatural visitation from the Lord, which totally changed my life. I can still recall the experience as if it just happened yesterday.
I lay on my face before Him, my body trembling terribly, as He spoke to me, revealing every detail of my life. His voice went through my entire being like blazing fire and as blinding light, at the time.
The experience had a great resemblance to what I believe will happen, when we stand before the Judgement seat. On that day, everything will be fully exposed; and that is what happened to me.
My inner most secrets were exposed before me, including hidden carnal thoughts and meditations; even my “small, and innocent”weaknesses! Things that always felt small and tolerable to me suddenly took on a new appearance as I saw how filthy they were to God, and how He loathed their sight. I was shocked by how much “compromise and misguided security” I was living in.
My eyes were opened to re-examine my beliefs about God, and my relationship with Him. Suddenly, I realised that much of what I believed in my faith was picked up from what I had heard often, preached, confessed by others or just assumed generally, and not necessarily what the bible taught. A lot of it was designed to make me feel comfortable and apathetic, even when my life was glaringly out of line with the Word of God. My subconscious presumptions were brought to the surface, and all my pretensions shown for what they truly were: filthy and inexcusable! He exposed to me hidden fantasies I entertained secretly in my life, and He revealed their impact on my life. It was clear that they created a foothold for the enemy to influence and oppose my walk with Christ, and to keep me away from what God intended for me.
The Lord shook up what I thought was my foundation of salvation, and challenged me whether I really lived my life unto Him or unto men. He revealed to me that my entire walk of salvation was like one major “performance put on for men’s benefit”; that I thrived on men’s affirmation and approval, subconsciously caring more for my self and what people thought of me, or affirmed in me, than for what God said and thought of my life. He said that I found it easier to go along with what people, and the system said I should be, rather than what the word of God said. He interpreted this as the worship of man and self-image. He said it was nothing but sheer idolatry!!!
He made it clear that as long this remained my lifestyle, I would have the same shortcomings as King Saul had all his life (1 Sam. 13-18). Saul loved God and wanted to do what God instructed him to, but in spite of that, his conduct depended so much on what people thought, or what impression he thought he was making on people. It led him to make compromises that look trivial to most of us today, but which, nevertheless, made him blow up every opportunity God gave him, until he totally missed his destiny.
The Lord said to me that very many of His servants and people are going down that very same drain every passing day. The Lord even shook up what I thought was my theology on salvation’s ‘eternal security!’. This is not to say that we do not have a sure security in our salvation in Christ, but believe me, a lot of what we teach about this is a lie and a false security. We need to get back to the foundation of the scriptures and scrutinise what the bible actually teaches.
The Lord showed me that as long as my life was not lived entirely for Him, I would be open to the influences of carnal attractions and pressures of all sorts. I may attempt to hide their hold on my life, but it will always reflect in some way in my life, one way or another, as I go along. The Lord challenged me to choose whether I will continue to live a life that empty and risk the same fate as King Saul, or radically change my life in repentance, in consecration to God, and dedicating myself entirely to Him, that He may work out His purposes through my life as He wills.
This was the most dramatic moment of my life and it has never faded in its intensity in my spirit.
It brought a tremendous turn round of my life. I chose to turn away from the things I had always lived for, and dedicate my whole life to the walk of seeking His will and living for His purposes in me. I repented of my presumptions, begged Him to teach me His ways and to open my eyes to the deceptions of my day. This has been my quest ever since and I am still a pilgrim on this journey.
From that day, everything became totally new. I was like a child who had never really known anything about God. The bible became a new book full of exciting, life-changing gems. I could not have enough of it.
Prayer is another thing that took on a new meaning in my life. It ceased to be the duty I had always felt it was, and now became a much-awaited time of fellowship and communion with Him. Prayer became like sweet communion and intimacy with Him, in which the scriptures I had read earlier would be expounded and take on such deep meaning that always left me speechless. Nothing was sweeter than meeting with One so awesome and so fearsome, yet so loving! I began to know Him and His heart, such as I had never known Him before. Every day became a day of discovering more about Him, about His love, and His wonderful plans for humanity.
I would not want anyone to think it was all a smooth and simple sailing along. I had my struggles with the truth and my flesh constantly stood in the way. Some days were dry and very difficult, but that is all part of the walk. I became a most willing student in the school of the Holy Spirit. It is so humbling to think of how much we usually think we know Him, when we scarcely know anything at all.
Since then the learning process has never stopped. It keeps getting more and more challenging and life transforming. I am still growing and learning things daily, and I, for sure, have a great deal more to learn!
Nevertheless, I realise that the surrender made on that day opened the door to a great calling that the Lord had for my life. (It is my prayer that this testimony will lead those who hear it also, to allow Him to lead them to repentance, and total surrender to Him in a way that will open the door to the purposes He has for them. I also know that there are those who have already made this surrender and the going may be very hard by the time they read this little testimony. It is my prayer that, even those will be encouraged to go on and not turn back from following God unreservedly. We are all created for His purposes. His plans for our lives are not for failure, but for hope and success: to bring us to the desired end (Jer. 29:11)).
It was approximately a week after that initial visitation that I had another awesome encounter with Him, and again He spoke in an audible prophetic way. This time, the Lord spoke as one who sought understanding from a friend. He did not mention any of my failures and sins, nor even rebuke me for the state of my heart, but instead, he sorrowfully, talked at length, about the sad state in which His church was, worldwide.
He sobbed and wept over His people’s spiritual state. His voice was so full of anguish and pain that my own heart was wrung with pain and guilt. I mention guilt because everything He spoke about His Redeemed was just as true for me as it was for the others; yet He spoke to me as if I was not one of them. Hearing His voice so full of pain and grief just tore me apart, and I cried my own heart out. The air was charged with electrifying power, even more intense than what I had experienced on the first visitation.
The Lord lamented the way many of His people worldwide had generally fallen away from the foundation of His Word. He said many had turned away from the fountain of living waters, and made for themselves pools that could not hold water. He spoke of how the ox knows its master and a donkey its master’s crib, but His people do not know Him (Isaiah 1:2-3).
He decried the endless excuses and compromises, the pretensions and hypocrisies, the pride and greed, as well as the deceptions and slumber that bind His people and hinder His purposes in all nations. He called it “the great falling away of the last days”. He spoke of how this had produced a deep hardening of His people’s hearts, to the extent that, there was a false feeling of peace and safety even though many were really dying in their sins, having despised the free gift of a saved lifestyle.
He also lamented how these things had opened spiritual doors into the lives of His people; how Satan, the enemy of our souls, had easy access into the lives of God’s people and everything they possessed, and was continuously killing, stealing and destroying (John 10:10). He said that the enemy was diverting people from the real things that matter in life and focussing their attention on the temporal, material things that perish.
The enemy was using these open doors to gain access into peoples’ lives and to torment and oppress them with all sorts of infirmities, pain, anxieties, and fears; or he was driving them crazy with greed, pride, evil passions, perversions and obsessions that made them crave for what was un-natural. He is making them break all acceptable values of life in order to feed these carnal cravings in their lives.
In some he works depression, hatred, bitterness, criticism of others, murder and a host of other destructive emotions that drain people of love and joy. The suffering in the world, even among the ‘redeemed of the Lord,’ is so great that it has made a mockery of the Lord’s power to save, heal and deliver in our day. In many parts of the world this has resulted in people rejecting the gospel outright.
In other cases the enemy has turned it into free liberalism, which allows people to gratify all their human desires, in total disregard of God or His Word. The end result is a world increasingly resembling Sodom and Gomorrah, just as Christ predicted the last days would look like.
This has left the church filled with people struggling to find the meaning of their lives, in a world where there is no longer any absolute truth. Everything has become relative to what each person thinks and wants to believe. It has robbed the church of its joy and freedom in Christ, its power and vitality in the Spirit, and its passion to win the lost into God’s Kingdom.
Instead, it has left many people in the church in a state of paralysis, slumber, apathy, complacency and total blindness to the spiritual conflicts raging in our day. The enemy of our souls is destroying lives by the million everyday – even inside the church – as if the gift of salvation is not freely available for all.
The Lord said that many servants of the gospel have become hypocrites, healing the wound of His people only on the surface: preaching “peace, peace” when there is no peace (Jer. 6:14-15). They make people comfortable in their sins, well knowing that the wages of sin are death. God says many who stand in His name are not really His servants, or else they would be warning and calling His people back to Him with great tears and anguish. He calls them “ministers of death and deception”, who are deceived to choose cheap popular favour for a short time, while ignoring the eternal implications of their actions.
What makes it worse is that God’s people seem to have forgotten that we are indeed living in the end-times. The day of the Lord is just around the corner. It is a day of reckoning and accountability for everything done in our lives.
According to how each lived his or her life, so exactly shall he or she be rewarded (Rev. 22:12-13/Rom. 2:4-11); this is in spite of all the modern teachings of superficial grace that are so popular today (2 Tim. 3-4).
(This is a continuation of the narration of the visitation)
The Heart of Jesus is bleeding with grief and sorrow as He watches the Day drawing closer and closer, while His people continue under this deception and oppression. His reaction, however, is not of fury and anger against His people, but of great compassion, and a burning desire to reach out and set them free.
While the enemy would have people remain in slumber, and continue in this fallen state until the day of accountability, our Lord is crying out to all Christians to flee sin, the flesh and the bondages of this world, to be able to stand on that day, as the true Redeemed that they are (Luke 21:34-36).
It is so clearly stated what the end will be like for people embracing sinful lifestyles lusting after the flesh and the world. God desires to break this bondage of darkness and oppression from His people! His desire is to heal them and totally deliver them from the activities of the evil one! He wants to equip them afresh to overcome the world, according to the power He wrought for us on the cross. In short, it is the desire of the Lord to revive His people worldwide with the power of the Holy Spirit. To believe God for worldwide Revival is not presumptuous!
It is His will to bless His people everywhere with revival. As many as will truly humble themselves and seek to return to His ways, they will indeed experience the refiner’s fire of the Holy Spirit in our day. The fury and burning anger of the Lord is not directed against His people but against Satan, the enemy of our souls, and his horde of demonic spirits who are working day and night to destroy lives.
The devil knows that the time is so short to the end (Rev. 12:12-13). He strives tirelessly to blind people to the victory they have in Christ and to harden their hearts so that they won’t repent, even when they know their sins. His intention is that they will be found in their sins when the Day of the Lord comes, so that he may forever rob them of their inheritance (Luke 13:3): he comes to kill, to steal and to destroy (John 10:10).
If it were not for the love of Christ, all would be deceived in this dark era; even all the elect would not survive. However, our Lord’s love burns jealously for His people. He wants to open our eyes to see the works of the devil for what they really are, and to be able to resist them and be overcomers (John 16:33, Rev. 3:21-22). He wants to make all people see the great victory He has worked for us at Calvary, and for us to rise up into it.
He wants all to see that there is absolutely no reason at all to continue under the yokes and burdens His people have come to accept as part of their lives today. He calls us all back to Himself, to be grounded in the overcoming truth of His finished work. He wants to equip us for the great harvest of the end times, which must take place in our day. The Great Commission must be finished before the dreadful day of the Lord comes.
That day, when the Lord visited me and spoke about all these things, I cried, even more than on my first encounter with Him when His rebuke was directly for me. This time the Lord spoke to me as if I was not part of the scenario He was describing, yet I saw myself described in everything He mentioned about all the other Christians. I saw myself as often deceived, oppressed in various ways, hampered by my own short-comings, and often struggling with hard-heartedness, like everyone else He described.
The backslidden state of the church worldwide is so strong that many believers do not even feel any convictions in their hearts about the way things are.
I cried as if my heart was coming out of me. My heart was so alarmed by the revelations I was seeing about the Church. Nevertheless, I cried not only for what I saw about the Christians worldwide, but also about myself. I was so deeply part of the whole picture revealed, that I had no struggle at all to identify with all other Christians in a spirit of intercession.
I was convinced beyond doubt, that unless the Lord would send revival, so many of us were not ready to meet Him. In desperation I begged Him to spare us from our own doings, and revive us before that Day comes.
Then He said to me,
“It is for this reason that I have appeared to you: so I may send you as a resounding trumpet to My people. It is not because of any merit you have over others, but because of My tender mercies for all of My people. I have appeared to you that I might send you out to call My people to repent and consecrate themselves to Me before that Day comes upon them unexpectedly. They do not have to be caught unawares by that Day. If they will humble themselves and call unto Me, I will revive them and preserve them.
Open their eyes to see that they have victory over the enemy and his works. Challenge them to arise and break the grip of darkness and deception over their lives and families. They should take this victory into their communities, and win the lost souls all around them into My Father’s Kingdom before the Great Day of the Lord comes.
Know therefore today, that I send you as a prophetic voice in the nations, to call My people back to Me in repentance and total consecration; I also send you as an Apostle to lay a foundation everywhere you go upon which this work of spiritual restoration can be built; this will create room for My other servants to each play their part within their callings, gifts and anointing, so that everyone fulfils their destiny in God before I return.
You will meet many others I have called with a similar unction. You will know them when you find them: honour them and serve them. You will also find many more that will be happy to serve you and work alongside you. This is all My doing and you should be open to it in humility.
Beware, however, of the plans of the enemy! There will be those whose motives and mission is either self serving or out-rightly serving the enemy. Some of these will even be going under the guise of My name. Watch out and beware of them. My Spirit will constantly reveal them to you. Never allow them to distract you or hold you back. Remember the work is very big and the time is very short. Every passing day is a day lost, never to come back again! Do your work as a faithful servant and serve your generation while you have the chance. A time is coming when no one will be able to work at all. Blessed are they who hear my voice and hasten to obey!!!!!"
After receiving this visitation and call on my life in April 1988, I spent more than one year praying through what it would mean to answer it. The few choir members who were with me at the time of the visitation stuck with me throughout this period – we took one step at a time and knew that the Lord was gently teaching us what He had called us to go out and do.
We learnt many precious lessons in the most dramatic ways. The Lord would let us walk according to our best judgement, thereby making many mistakes, which He would then come and correct in the most powerful and memorable ways. The experiences were so mind-blowing, so deep in reality, and so emotionally involving that somehow they were imprinted on our hearts in such a deep way that they became part of us. We could walk according to them without a second thought. Praise His Holy name!
We soon discovered that we had to work on developing our understanding of various areas of the calling, and that it was to the degree we received revelation from God on them, that we would be able to fulfil all that He required of us.
We realised that even at that time the revelation that we had was partial understanding and we had to stay open and seeking for the growth of revelation in our hearts. As years have gone by, we continued to get a bigger and bigger understanding of the calling and what it requires of us.
John W. Mulinde